These four versions of Vinappeso will satisfy all the palates.
Only Recioto wine is used
Seasoned for 11/12 months
One ennoblement in Reciot
For the lovers of sweet and soft flavours
Seasoned for 16/18 months
Two ennoblement in Recioto and one in Amarone
The classic Vinappeso, ageless
Seasoned for 24/26 months
Two ennoblement in Amarone and one in Recioto
Overpowering personality
Seasoned for 26/30 months
Two ennoblement in Recioto and two in Amarone
Most of our pigs are from the chain of Parma ham, and the rest from local farms.
The fresh legs are strictly selected, and only the first choice will be used. By doing so, we guarantee high quality standard for the output.
We manually carry out the binding of the each piece, using a cotton lace, making sure that no air passes through.
The most important phase: each Vinappeso is enriched of tastes and flavours during this period, and it’ll be different from the other.
We do respect time, and we leave time to work on the salumi, making them unique and peculiar.
The feature of “Vigneto dei Salumi” is the immersion of the “salumi” in wine; the usage of wine elevates and enhances the quality of the meat.
Those two ingredients enrich each other, creating an harmony in tastes and flavours.
Italian pork, Salt of Cervia, Black pepper T. E. B. (Telesery Extra Bold), Recioto wine, Amarone wine.
Central part of fresh leg of pork Seasoned for 16/18 months.
Soaking for 110/120 days in wine, 3 refinements (1 in Amarone and 2 in Recioto)
Weight: 3/4 kg
Comes cut in 2 halves, each in vacuum packs to garantee high standard level.
Italian pork, Salt of Cervia, Black pepper T. E. B. (Telesery Extra Bold), Recioto wine, Amarone wine.
Central part of fresh leg of pork Seasoned for 16/18 months.
Soaking for 110/120 days in wine, 3 refinements (1 in Amarone and 2 in Recioto)
Weight: 3/4 kg
Comes cut in 2 halves, each in vacuum packs to garantee high standard level.
The result of the perfect bond between “culatello” cut and Amarone and Recioto wines; it’s an expression of the tradition and innovation, flavour and genuineness.
Vinappeso is a unique “salume”.
It’s the flagship of Vigneto dei Salumi, Vinappeso looks at the future, keeping an eye on the tradition.
From an organoleptic point of view, Vinappeso represents the elegance of Amarone and Recioto, and the wine’s culture of Valpolicella.
As often happens, it was discovered by mistake: Walter was fascinating immediately from this new challenge. He dedicated the last few years to this project, trying to find the perfect balance of flavours.
The first wines in which Vinappeso is immersed is Amarone, which became a DOCG wine in 2011.
Worldwide known red dry wine, produced with typical Verona’s grapes: Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Molinara.
L’Amarone è un vino dalla personalità forte e decisa che si sposa perfettamente con il salume conferendogli unicità e pregevolezza.
Il suo antico predecessore è il Recioto, che nasce da una accurata selezione delle uve. La loro lavorazione conferisce il tipico gusto dolce e piacevole che lo contraddistingue, un gusto che avvolge Vinappeso in un dolce abbraccio che gli dona una profumata morbidezza.